Monday, August 23, 2010


I absolutely love this.

(courtesy of the amazing Natalie Lloyd, and also of Una Bella Vita)

Lately I've been writing poetry. There's not a lot else to do when your life is packed up in suitcases and cardboard boxes. But this song is perfect for poetry. (I'm trying to figure out how to play it on my violin, which is a lot of fun. Now I just need to find a pianist...) Jon Schmidt is so incredibly talented! I love the arrangement of piano and cello, and the two songs sound wonderful together. Oh sorry, am I gushing? :)

Our moving date is in two days. It feels like a door is slamming shut behind me as I leave, but I suppose this closure is better than the ragged loose ends moving sometimes leaves behind. Having moved so many times in my life, I'm good at cutting those ties and starting fresh. I think the difficult part this time will be trying NOT to sever the roots I've put down. But it will be okay.
~Jeremiah 29:11!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

goodbyes on a one way street

I'm currently in love with the song Four Chords by The Classic Crime. (I also like their song The Happy Nihilist. Very fun to sing along with :)

I was much too young to think of danger
I was curious and innocent and brave

Even if I die tomorrow I'll be glad my life was filled with songs
Even if I die tomorrow these four chords will keep me living on

I've been saying goodbye to people this week. It's a strange, difficult thing, saying goodbye to the people and places you love. All these memories come back that you hadn't realized you'd forgotten, and you realize you'll miss most the things you took for granted. Gah, this is hard. I wonder if people realize how much I'm going to miss them. :)

But I'm trying to be adventurous about the door God's shoving me through. Life is a one-way street, and looking back doesn't get you very far when you can only move forward.

I'll be away from the internet for a couple of weeks. This doesn't seem like a very good time to take a blogging break, after only three posts, but it can't be helped. So I'll be living life, having adventures, which I'll record later. :) [Tangent: isn't "blog" an awful word? Say it out loud. b l o g. Isn't it ugly? I may need to find a substitute word. I'll work on it.]

Later days :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

summer days and old art

Oh! that beautiful midsummer sun here. It beats down on one's head, and I haven't the slightest doubt it makes one crazy. But as I was so to begin with, I only enjoy it.
~ Vincent van Gogh, Letter to Emile Bernard in 1888

That's my favorite summer quote. :) Van Gogh's pretty interesting, the way he mixed the dark Dutchness and the more impressionistic Frenchness into his own special blend of weirdness. He painted some really nice stuff, like this:
And this (which is my favorite):
(Then, of course, there's this, which brings his overall sanity into question.)
His art isn't really pretty, the way Renoir's is, but it has an edge to it. Honestly, I like him mostly because of that quote :)

This is a great part of the summer, because the temperature is finally dropping (after all this evilly hot weather) and there are still just enough days left before school starts to fully enjoy them. Oh yes, I have big plans. :)
Carpe diem!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

I'm really bad at small talk.

So I'm going to introduce myself by telling you some stuff about me you never, ever needed to know. Then we'll have to be friends, right? :)

Red is my favorite color. For years I didn't have a favorite color, but one day I just got tired of being so indecisive and chose one. Ever since then, it's given me a thrill to be able to state something so decisively.

I like rainy days better than sunshine. I wouldn't want it to rain perpetually, but if it rained two-thirds of the time I would be happy.

Things I love: Poetry. Art projects. Photography. Rock music.

Things I [strongly] dislike: Chemistry. Being duped into reading awful books. Humidity.

I can't Hula-Hoop, cartwheel, sew, or whistle. I can, however, knit. I can also cook crepes.

That's plenty for now. Until next time. :)