Wednesday, May 22, 2013

a weakness

One of my fears is that one day, some boy will discover my inherent weakness for sweetly sappy love songs and use it against me. But until then: this is one of my favorites.

Someday Some Morning Sometime - Billy Bragg and Wilco

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

frantically written about nothing in particular

It's 10:39 and I'm making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I'm sandwiched between finals and trying not to lose my head.

My birthday is on Saturday, and I've been trying to ignore it.

I wrote something earlier that I intended to share, but it's funny how the way you intend to write words is sometimes not the way in which the words want to be written. It turned into the kind of thing I can't share with anyone.

That's all. I need to go to bed.

Good night. Are you taking tests, too? Good luck, friend.
