Saturday, January 12, 2013

we are bound by symmetry

'This is the story of the boys who love you,
Who love you now and loved you then.
Some were sweet, and some were cold and snubbed you,
Some just laid around in bed.
Some would crumble you straight to your knees
Did it cruel, did it tenderly.
Some had crawled their way into your heart
To rend your ventricles apart.
This is the story of the boys who love you.'

Red Right Ankle, by The Decemberists

I'm sick. I've been sick for a week. And if you showed up at my door today, with Inception and mozzarella sticks (and maybe a burrito), I would share my blankets and my tea and be your best friend.

This is a good song.

My thoughts are discombobulated. I'm sick of being sick.

But I hope you're having a nice weekend!

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