Saturday, January 14, 2012

for A

I was cutting up a pomegranate yesterday, thinking about you, and thinking about how strange it is that we could be friends. We have so little in common, besides our desires to be loved and to do the right thing. I wondered why you chose me. Why you continue to choose me.

You introduced me to your grandmother last night. "This is the girl I told you about," you said. "Remember last year, when I was going through that rough time, and I told you I was praying for a friend? This is her."
I never knew. I was kind of floored, to be honest with you.

Maybe you have something I need, A. Maybe I need more of your wide-eyed, big-hearted, openly loving approach to life and people. Maybe among and between the discussions of boys and beauty and God, you could help me become a better person.

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