Thursday, March 01, 2012


Darling, let's go to Paris.
Not just for the week. Let's go to Paris for a long time, a year maybe, long enough to rent a tiny flat and run out of money. Long enough to see its different moods, to watch it change with the seasons. We'll get to know the landlady well enough to find out that she's a little bit crazy. But then, so are we.

I'll fall in love with the way you buy a French newspaper every Sunday and puzzle over it with your coffee, sitting across from me in the cafe. You'll fall in love with the  way I buy a bunch of flowers every Friday from the same woman, and try to talk to her in broken French. I'll fall in love with the way you take my hand as we walk along the Seine. You'll fall in love with the way I smile up at you when we stop.

I'll finish writing my novel. You'll sell your art to a gallery. We'll get by. There may not be much money, but it's Paris, sweetheart. We're the lovers and dreamers it's famed for. Together in the City of Light, how could we be unhappy?

photo from here

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