Saturday, April 05, 2014


Last night, as I was in that warm, dozy, dreamy state of half-sleep, my phone buzzed from across the room. It filled the room with a blue glow, but I rolled over and ignored it. A few minutes later, it buzzed again, and this time I stumbled out of bed to see who was inspired to talk to me at twelve thirty in the morning.

It was my best friend. I read the messages, I smiled, and I laid back down in bed. A moment later, I got up to read them again. It felt like he was close for the first time in a long, long time.

(Things have been so odd lately. I talk too much and I still can't manage to say what I mean. Some days I want to drift off forever and never see anyone again. I think I'm a different person than I was at the start of the year, and I'm not sure I like her much at all.)

I went out for coffee last week with a guy who told me he that he "didn't find the Grand Canyon that impressive". Maybe it's shallow, but after that comment, I didn't find him that impressive.

(I'm trying. I'm trying so hard. This semester has been putting me through the wringer, chipping away at the base of my very newly-constructed sense of self-worth. And I'm perpetually coming up short.)

(I didn't mean for this to get so down. But that's all I've got in me, at the moment. Forgive me?)


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