Thursday, October 06, 2011

eight things

  1. October. Oh, how I love October. Crisp air, warm sunshine. These are bright days. 
  2. The hat I'm knitting out of smoky red wool. It's fluffy. 
  3. My four-year-old sister, who said to me, "I really think you should see this," and then zipped up her jacket all by herself. 
  4. The apple I managed to peel in one long, curly strip. I made applesauce.
  5. Hot tea out of big, thick mugs, or the little white teapot. 
  6. Reading outside and hearing woodpeckers. 
  7. Good music, and lots of it. 
  8. Hope. 
Lately happiness has been everywhere. It feels like late-afternoon sunshine.

1 comment:

Lemon said...

These are all so great! Number three made me laugh. And about number seven: any you can suggest??